Home Wifi Network: WA Guest Password: Auchenhean Renovations FrontFrontCottage kitchenKitchen afterCottage loungeThe sofas wouldn't fit through the door!Cottage loungeKing bedoomKing bedroomDouble bedroomtwin beforeTwin aftermain house loungeMain house loungemain loungewalled gardenDiscovering the bothyBothyPaddockPaddockPaddockDrivewaymain kitchen beforeMain kitchen afterMain bedroomMain bedroom Garden Woodland pathwoodland pathold stepsentrance to the walled gardenthe walled gardenowletowlet leg ringingfarm signchickens sunbathingwoodland pathladyland walkLadyland walkhedgehog release sitedeer in the gardenpicnicladyland walkbluebellsthe front fieldmaze in the front field Wildlife hedgehog release siteowlet leg ringingowlet